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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Educational Innovations and Management model questions


I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each.    10x2=20  
1. What is Mobile School?
2. Give the meaning of Educational innovation
3. What is teaching machine?
4. Write notes on International School
5. Define Tele-Conferencing.
6. What are the advantages of Open Universities?
7. Point out the role of Play in Education, according to Frobel
8. Define Educational Management
9. What is Branched programming?
10. Write a brief note on Floating University
11. What is Educational organization?
12. What are the advantages of Community School?

II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each.  6x5=30
13. Explain the salient features of CAI.
14. Explain the concept of ‘Cybernetics’
15. Describe the functioning of SSA.
16. List out the importance of Supervision.
17. State the purposes of innovations in Evaluation.

18. Explain the features of Educational planning.
19. Discuss the importance of Time- Table in institutional planning.
20 What is the difference between Educational Management and Educational Administration?
21. What are the special features of E-learning?
22. Evaluate the importance of models of teaching in class room learning.


III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                 2x15=30                                                   
23.     a) What are the types of programmes? How can it be applied to the classroom interaction?
b) What are the principles of Educational Innovation? List out the suggestions for the promotion of Innovation in classroom teaching.
24.     a) Describe the importance of Institutional Planning and organization.

b) What is De-schooling? Discuss the merits and demerits of De-schooling society
I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each. (10x2=20) 
1.      What are the advantages of Open Universities?
jpwe;j ntspg; gy;fiyf; fofq;fspdhy; Vw;gLk; mD$yq;fs; ahit?
2.      Write a short note on Floating University
kpjf;Fk; gy;fiyf; fofk; gw;wp rpW Fwpg;G tiuf.
3.      What is Educational management?
fy;tp Nkyhz;ik vd;why; vd;d?
4.      Explain the objectives of educational administration.
fy;tp epHthfj;jpd; Nehf;fq;fis tptupf;fTk;.
5.      Write the definition of Educational management.
fy;tp Nkyhz;ikapd; tiuaiw vOJf.
6.      What is Community School?
rKjhag; gs;spfs; vd;why; vd;d?
7.      What is POSD CORB?
POSD CORB vd;why; vd;d?                                                                      

1.      Write the definition of educational management.
fy;tp Nkyhz;ikapd; tiuaiw vOJf. 
2.      What do you mean by cybernetics?
irgHdpbf;]; vd;why; vd;d?
3.      Mention the advantages of CAI.
fzpg;nghwp topf; fw;gpj;jypd; ed;ikfs; ahit?
4.      What is a Mobile School?
elkhLk; gs;sp vd;why; vd;d?
5.        Differentiate ABL & ALM.
ABL & ALM NtWgLj;Jf.

II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each. (6x5=30)
8.      What are the Special features of Navodaya schools?
eNyhjahg; gs;spapd; rpwg;gpay;Gfs; ahit?

9.    Explain the basic Functions of administration.
epHthfj;jpd; mbg;gil gzpfis tptupf;fTk;.
10. Write a short note on International School?
rHtNjr gs;spfs; gw;wp RUf;fkhf vOJf?
11. Explain the Modern Functions of administration?
Nkyhz;ikapd; etPdg; gzpfis tptup?
12.  Mention the characteristics of SSA.
SSA- d; rpwg;Gfis $Wf.
13.  What is the difference between management and administrate?
Nkyhz;ikf;Fk; epHthfj;jpw;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s NtWghLfs; ahit?
14.   Explain alternative schools
khw;Wg;gs;spfisg; gw;wp tptup.
6.      What are the special features of Navodaya School?
eNthjahg; gs;spapd; rpwg;gpay;Gfs; ahit?

III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                 2x15=30  
7.      a) How can a teacher play his role in school & administration?
gs;sp Nkyhz;ik kw;Wk; epHthfj;jpy; xH MrpupaH vt;thW gq;F ngwyhk; vd; $Wf.
b) What are the principles and barriers to educational innovation? How will you overcome the barriers?
     fy;tpg; GJikf;fhdf; Nfhl;ghLfs; kw;Wk; GJik Njhd;WtjpYs;sj; jd;ikfs; ahit? jilfisr; rkhspf;f ePtPH vd;ndd;d eltbf;iffs; vLg;gPH?

15. a) Mention the need for Distance Education in India. How can it be carried out effectively?
,e;jpahtpd; njhiyj;J}uf; fy;tpapd; Njitfisf; Fwpg;gpLf. ,jid rpwe;j Kiwapy; vt;thW nray;gLj;j KbAk;.
      b) Discuss the concept ‘De Schooling’
            gs;spfsw;wf; fy;tpapid gw;wp tptup.

I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each. (10x2=20) 
1.      What are the advantages of Open Universities?
jpwe;j ntspg; gy;fiyf; fofq;fspdhy; Vw;gLk; mD$yq;fs; ahit?
2.      Write a short note on Floating University
kpjf;Fk; gy;fiyf; fofk; gw;wp rpW Fwpg;G tiuf.
3.      What is meant by Tele Conferencing?
njhiy khehL vd;why; vd;d?
4.       Write the uses of internet
,izaj;jpd; gad;fis vOJf.
5.       What is E-mail?
kpd; mQ;ry; vd;why; vd;d?
6.      What is Educational management?
fy;tp Nkyhz;ik vd;why; vd;d?
7.      Explain the objectives of educational administration.
fy;tp epHthfj;jpd; Nehf;fq;fis tptupf;fTk;.
8.      What is CML?
CML – vd;why; vd;d?
9.      Write the definition of Educational management.
fy;tp Nkyhz;ikapd; tiuaiw vOJf.
10.  What is Community School?
rKjhag; gs;spfs; vd;why; vd;d?
11.   What are the merits of developmental management?
tsHr;rp Nkyhz;ikapd; epiwfs; ahit?
12.  What is POSD CORB?
POSD CORB vd;why; vd;d?                                                                       P.T.O

II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each. (6x5=30)
13.  What are the Special features of Navodaya schools?
eNyhjahg; gs;spapd; rpwg;gpay;Gfs; ahit?
14.  How will you manage the physical resources of Year School?
ckJ gs;spapy; ,Uf;ff; $ba mikg;G $Wfis vt;thW epHzapg;gha;?
15. Explain the basic Functions of administration.
epHthfj;jpd; mbg;gil gzpfis tptupf;fTk;.
16. Write a short note on International School?
rHtNjr gs;spfs; gw;wp RUf;fkhf vOJf?
17. Explain the Modern Functions of administration?
Nkyhz;ikapd; etPdg; gzpfis tptup?
18.  Mention the characteristics of SSA.
SSA- d; rpwg;Gfis $Wf.
19.  What is the difference between management and administrate?
Nkyhz;ikf;Fk; epHthfj;jpw;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s NtWghLfs; ahit?
20.   Explain alternative schools
khw;Wg;gs;spfisg; gw;wp tptup.
III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                (2x15=30)
21. a) Mention the need for Distance Education in India. How can it be carried out effectively?
,e;jpahtpd; njhiyj;J}uf; fy;tpapd; Njitfisf; Fwpg;gpLf. ,jid rpwe;j Kiwapy; vt;thW nray;gLj;j KbAk;.
      b) Discuss the concept ‘De Schooling’
            gs;spfsw;wf; fy;tpapid gw;wp tptup.
22. a)  Write a short notes on the following: a.    Personal Management
b.    Material Management
c.        Examination Management
       fPo;fhz;gtw;wpw;F rpWf; Fwpg;G tiuf.   a.     gzpahsH Nkyhz;ik
                                                               b.  nghUs; Nkyhz;ik
                                                               c.  NjHT Nkyhz;ik 
 b) Describe in detail:       a.   ETV
b.       Web based Education
           tptupf;f.              a.  fy;tpj; njhiyf;fhl;rp
                                 b.  ,izj;js jfty; njhopy; El;gk;


I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each.    10x2=20 
1.      Write the definition of educational management.
fy;tp Nkyhz;ikapd; tiuaiw vOJf. 
2.      State the barriers of communication.
jfty; njhlHgpd; jilfis vOJf.
3.      Explain the defects in the present day supervision & inspection.
jw;fhy Nkw;ghHit kw;Wk; Ma;tpy; cs;s FiwghLfs; ahit?
4.      How can headmasters motivate the teacher?
jiyik MrpupaHfs; vt;thW MrpupaHfis Cf;Ftpf;fpwhH?
5.      Write a short notes on organizational climate.
epWtd #oiyg; gw;wp XH rpW Fwpg;G tiuf.
6.      What do you mean by cybernetics?
irgHdpbf;]; vd;why; vd;d?
7.      Mention the advantages of CAI.
fzpg;nghwp topf; fw;gpj;jypd; ed;ikfs; ahit?
8.      What are the functions of NACC?
RNjr ju mstPL kw;Wk; ju epHza FOtpd; gzp ahJ?
9.      What is a Mobile School?
elkhLk; gs;sp vd;why; vd;d?
10.   Differentiate ABL & ALM.
ABL & ALM NtWgLj;Jf.
11.  What are the types of educational planning?
fy;tp jpl;lkpLjypd; tiffs; ahit?
12.  Give any one staff development programme.       
MrpupaH Nkk;ghL jpl;lj;jpy; VNjDk; xd;iwf; nfhL.                                    P.T.O


II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each.  6x5=30
13. Explain the educational administration at state level.
khepy mstpy; fy;tp epHthfj;ij tptupf;fTk;. 
14. Elaborate input, process & products.
cs;spLif> nray;ghL kw;Wk; ntspg;ghL tpupTgLj;Jf.
15. Explain the basic functions of administration.
epHthfj;jpd; mbg;gil gzpfis tptupf;fTk;.
16. Describe any one self learning technique.
Raf;fw;wy; Kiwapy; VNjDk; xd;wpid tptupf;f.
17. Write short notes on:-
                                                  i.      Interactive video (fUj;jshTjy; tPbNah)
                                               ii.      E- book
                                             iii.      Digital Library.
18.  What are the special features of Navodaya School?
eNthjahg; gs;spapd; rpwg;gpay;Gfs; ahit?
19.  Explain Blake Mouton managerial Grid.
gpNsf; kTl;ld; jiyik njhFg;gpid $Wf.
20. What are the specific qualities of a good leadership?        
xU rpwe;j jiyikapd; gz;Gfs; ahit?
III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                 2x15=30  
21. a) How can a teacher play his role in school & administration?
gs;sp Nkyhz;ik kw;Wk; epHthfj;jpy; xH MrpupaH vt;thW gq;F ngwyhk; vd; $Wf.
b) What are the principles and barriers to educational innovation? How will you overcome the barriers?
     fy;tpg; GJikf;fhdf; Nfhl;ghLfs; kw;Wk; GJik Njhd;WtjpYs;sj; jd;ikfs; ahit? jilfisr; rkhspf;f ePtPH vd;ndd;d eltbf;iffs; vLg;gPH?
22.  a) How will you evaluate teachers?
MrpupaHfis vt;thW kjpg;gpLtha;?
b) What do you meant by models of teaching? Explain any one model of teaching.
fw;gpj;jy; khjpup vd;why; vd;d? VNjDk; xU khjpupiag; gw;wp tpsf;Ff?

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