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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bed Guidance & Counselling model questions

I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each. (10x2=20) 
1.    What are the uses of cumulative record?
jpwd; gjpNtl;bd; gad;fs; ahit?
2.    What are the merits of autobiography?
Ratho;f;if tuyhw;wpd; epiwfs; ahit?
3.    Suggest ways to deal with absenteeism among students.
khztHfs; gs;spf;F tuhky; ,Ug;gijr; rkhspf;Fk; topKiwfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
4.    What is directive counselling?
newp rhHe;j mwpTiu gfHjy; vd;why; vd;d?
5.    State the differences between direct and indirect observation.
NeHKf> kiwKf cw;WNehf;fypd; NtWghLfisf; $Wf.
6.    Define Eclectic counselling.
nghJepiy mwpTiu gfHjy; tiuaiw nra;f.
7.    State any two merits of observation.
cw;W Nehf;fypd; VNjDk; ,uz;L ed;ikfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
8.    Explain “Anecdotal Record”
rk;gyj;JZf;F gjpNtL vd;why; vd;d?
9.    What are the types of rating scale?
ju msTf;Nfhypd; tiffs; ahit?
10. Briefly discuss the role of a teacher as a guide?
MrpupaH xU topf;fhl;b vd;gij RUf;fkhf tptup.
11. Define- counselling.
mwpTiu gfHjy; tiuaW.
12. What is ‘Case Study’?
‘Case study’ vd;why; vd;d?                                                                     P.T.O

II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each. (6x5=30)
13. Write short notes on Havighurst Theory.
rpW Fwpg;G tiuf- Havighurst Theory
14. What are the demerits of non-directive counselling?
kiwKf mwpTiu gfHjypd; FiwghLfs; ahit?
15. What are the qualities of a good counsellor?
xU ey;y mwpTiug; gfHgtupd; Fzhjpraq;fs; ahit?
16. Write about the professional ethics of a counsellor.
mwptiu gfHgtUf;fhd ed;ndwpfisf; $Wf.
17. Write about the non-testing devices in guidance.
topfhl;lypy; Nrhjidaw;w fUtpfs; ,uz;il gw;wp vOJf.
18. Explain Social guidance.
r%f topf;fhl;Ljiy tptup.
19. Discuss the ways to motivate students to take part in social service.
r%f Nritapy; gq;Nfw;f khztHfis Cf;Ftpf;Fk; topfs; gw;wp tpthjp.
20.  Define Action Research. What is its significance to the teachers?
nrayha;T tiuaW. MrpupaHfSf;Fr; nrayha;tpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; vd;d?
III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                (2x15=30)
21. a) Write an essay on ‘personal guidance”
   jdpg;gl;l topf;fhl;liyg; gw;wp xU fl;Liu vOJf.
      b) What is Sociometry? How will you construct a Sociogram?  List out the merits and demerits of Sociogram? 
            r%f mstpay; vd;why; vd;d? xU r%f tpsf;fg;glj;ij eP vg;gb epWTtha;? r%f mstpaypd; ed;ik jPikfis vOJf.
22.  a) Write short notes on     i. Holland’s theory
                                                ii. Gin berg Theory
            rpW Fwpg;G tiuf i.  Holland’s theory
                                                 ii. Ginz berg Theory
      b) Describe the importance of Guidance and Counselling in Schools.
            gs;spfspy; mwpTiu kw;Wk; topfhl;Ljypd; mtrpaj;ij tptup


I. Answer any Ten of the following questions in about100 words each.    10x2=20 
1.      What do you mean by integrated personality?
njhFg;G MSikapd; nghUs; vd;d?
2.      What is the need for occupational guidance?
Ntiyf;fhd topf;fhl;Ljypd; mtrpak; vd;d?
3.      Mention the advantages of polytechnic courses to our students.
ekJ khztHfSf;Fj; njhopw;fy;tpapd; ed;ikfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
4.      What are the agencies of Career guidance?
njhopypy; topf;fhl;lYf;fhd epWtdq;fs; ahit?
5.      Give the sources of Career information.
njhopy; jfty;fSf;fhd %yq;fisj; jUf.
6.      How can we disseminate career information for the use of pupils?
njhopy; jfty;fis khztHfspd; cgNahfj;jpw;fhf vt;tpjk; ehk; gug;g ,aYk;?
7.      Mention the aims of guidance.
topf;fhl;Ljypd; Nehf;fq;fs; ahit?
8.      Define eclectic counselling.
nghJepiy mwpTiug; gfHjy; tiuaiw nra;f.
9.      Explain briefly the concept of mental health.
kdeyj;jpd; fUj;ij tpsf;Ff.
10. Mention some intelligence tests.
Ez;zwpTr; Nrhjidfs; rpytw;iwf; Fwpg;gpLf.
11. Explain “anecdotal record”.
rk;gyj;JZf;F gjpNtL vd;why; vd;d?
12. What is aptitude test?  
ehl;lr; Nrhjid vd;why; vd;d?                                                                     P.T.O


II. Answer any Six of the following questions in about 300 words each.  6x5=30
13. Examine the need for career resource centre.
Ntiy tha;g;G Mjhu ikaj;jpd; Njit vd;d vd;gjid Muha;f.
14.  Explain the filing up of occupational information.
gzpf;fhd nra;jpfisj; jUf ntt;NtW Kiwapyhd fhfpjf; Nfhit gw;wp tpsf;Ff.
15.  What is the use of achievement test in guidance?
topf;fhl;lypd; milTr; Nrhjidapd; gad;fs; ahit?
16.  Explain the relationship between vocational guidance & educational guidance.
fy;tp topf;fhl;lYf;Fk; njhopy; topf;fhl;lYf;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s njhlHig tptup.
17.  State the techniques of group guidance & its benefits.
FO topf;fhl;lypd; cj;jpfisAk;> gad;fisAk; $W.
18. Describe in detail:-
                                                  i.      Havighurst theory
                                               ii.      Holland theory
19.  Write about the professional ethics of a counsellor.
mwpTiu gfHjYf;fhd ed;ndwpfisf; $W.
20.  Describe the importance of counselling in schools.
gs;spfspy; mwpTiu gfHjypd; mtrpaj;ij tptup.

III. Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.                 2x15=30     
21. a) What are the mentally related problems of school students?
gs;sp khztHfs; re;jpf;Fk; Kf;fpa cstpay; mbg;gilahd rpf;fy;fs; ahit?
b) Why do conflicts arise in group situations? How can the conflicts be resolved?
      FOr;#oypy; kdg;Nghuhl;lq;fs; Vd; cUthFfpd;wd? kdg;Nghuhl;lq;fSf;F vt;thW jPHT fhz KbAk;?   
22.  a) Explain the role of teacher as a counsellor.
Mrpupauhfpa mwpTiu gfHgtupd; gzpapid tptup?
b) How can you establish the guidance service in your school?

cq;fsJ gs;spapy; topf;fhl;Lk; ikaj;ij vt;thW Vw;gLj;Jtha;. 

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